Sunday 14th May: Beans, beans and more beans....oh and some courgettes too!!
Warm weather over the past week has sent the greenhouse crazy! Had to take a chance and move the runners (Streamline), french (Tendergreen), and courgettes (Parador) out this weekend. Hopefully the slugs won't have too much of a field day. Threw some pelletted chicken manure into the bed as "my mate" says the ammonia seems to put the slugs off. We'll see.....I expect he'll tell me I've planted out WAY too early.....I think I'm the first on the entire site.
Other things happening this week:
spuds all up, rocket doing really well, broad beans all up.
Finally cleared my last bed (ROOTS) and sowed Spring Onions (White Lisbon), Carrots (Early Nantes & Flyaway), Beetroot (Boltardy) and Radish (French Breakfast)
Off to Belgium for a wedding for four days next week so we'll see what happens
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