Summer has arrived!
Well, it was a long wait but summer has finally arrived! Things are very busy on my little lottie (except for the raspberries which look very sorry for themselves.....trying to remain positive and hope that next year will be more fruitful once they've had a chance to settle into their new home! Seems to be some new growth at the base).

We've eaten our own lettuce, rocket and radish so far but that's about it. I covered a salad bed with Enviromesh to try and keep the flea beetle out but the rocket is still riddled with least it'll keep any commando rabbits out! Definately want more space for salad stuff next year. Not enough room for successional sowing on just a half plot with everything I'm trying to cram in.

Runners are climbing and even the seeds I sowed a couple of weeks ago have come up (if you can spot them amongst the weeds!)

Broad beans are flowering and Madeleine's is absolutely covered in blackfly but my "advisor" says often they just smother one plant and leave the rest alone....certainly looks that way at the moment as the rest seem ok.

French beans are looking much more robust now

Courgettes, tomatoes and cucumber have all loved the hot weather and are developing tiny fruits. Using old squash bottles and flower pots sunk next to them to help keep them well watered.

And that's the latest....weeding and watering, watering and weeding! It's great and I'm loving every minute of it!
I have the same type of raspberry as you - dried up!
Dear Saz,
Your plot is looking marvellous luv!! Isn't it great to finally get tasting and enjoying all your sweat (petaphorically speaking)
With a bountiful harvest (give or take the odd rasberry that looks like its been through a nuclear winter) and with Big Brother and the new series of the Apprentice starting in August (just kidding, hehe) what more could one ask this summer?
Hope life is treating you as well as your plot is looking,
warm regards,
P.. (NFG) xx
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