Monday, August 14, 2006

Our budding Allomenteers

Took the girls up the allotment the other day for some lovely fresh veg for tea.......she couldn't even wait to have the mud brushed off! Bless her!

Don't worry.....I found some more!

Here's a few spring onions, Mummy!

Our youngest having a rummage around for goodies

Our eldest daughter casts a very critical eye over the spuds

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Lovin' my carrots! Raspberries....sent back!

Okay.....I'm obessessed with straight carrots.....I love these little beauties, hardly a knobble in sight!

As for my raspberries.....all but two of the ten canes have been sent back to be replaced in the autumn. Hoping for more success next year. One cane is VERY vigourous and I did actually taste a raspberry from it. At least I've got the autumn and winter to plan how to net it (and it's replacements) properly!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Fruits of my labour

Starting to really enjoy all the veg coming off the allotment now.
Needless to say....we've got plenty of courgettes coming....last count there were 13 in the fridge!!!!!

The runner beans are only just starting to come

Here's some of the beetroot, had five jars off one row...mmmm, delicious.

Quite proud of our carrots.....not many of them but really sweet and ......lovely and straight. Must plant more of them next year

One of our Moulin Rouge sunflowers

This little fella was enjoying the warm sun.....hey, aren't we all?!