Fruits of my labour
Starting to really enjoy all the veg coming off the allotment now.
Needless to say....we've got plenty of courgettes coming....last count there were 13 in the fridge!!!!!

The runner beans are only just starting to come

Here's some of the beetroot, had five jars off one row...mmmm, delicious.

Quite proud of our carrots.....not many of them but really sweet and ......lovely and straight. Must plant more of them next year

One of our Moulin Rouge sunflowers

This little fella was enjoying the warm sun.....hey, aren't we all?!

I would like to say very well done with your allotment,it looks very neat and tidy.
With regard to raspberry growing, I have grown them for many years, when planting include a quantity of well rotted manure in the hole.
Raspberries dislike dry conditions so this will help a great deal. The new canes which are planted in the Autumn will produce shoots up to 6feet in the first year and these will not fruit.The canes will fruit in the 2cnd year after which they are cut down to just above ground level.New canes will have grown by this time and they will bear the fruit for the following year. Trim the tops off in March back to some strong wood and keep to about 4/5 feet tying in to wire lines supported by posts at the ends of the row.
Well worth the effort and patience.
Good luck
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