Cold winter days
Well the exciting news is we've gained another half plot, sadly adjacent not together, but hey-ho! At least we can grow much more next year so I've been browsing seed catalogues and planning the beds/rotation......just a shame it so wet it's impossible to get up the lottie and get cracking. As you can see I've already laid the paths for the beds as I did on the other half plot. This worked really well and means I haven't got a hugh digging job ahead of me to get the beds ready for next year.

I had great plans to create a new strawberry bed using the Phormisol ground cover used for the paths.....but time and the weather scuppered this. It'll have to be a job for the New Year
I have managed to plant garlic (Lautrec Wight) and Onion sets (red and white) which seem to have taken well.......unless the birds and the weather have had them in the last couple of weeks!

Missing the fresh air, exercise and chat......roll on Spring and finer weather.
Hi I am a new allotment owner, only had plot for 6 weeks or so. Would love your word document you have on planning an allotment. If you would like to check out my progress and over tips please view at
Hi Sue,
I'm happy to send the word document...unless I've already sent it without realising!
Let me have your email and I'll whizz it across
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