Spring has sprung!
Well actually it's been more like summer, lovely!
Had a busy couple of weekends getting the additional half plot into shape for this year.
All the Broad Beans are in. Some I sowed in the growhouse (been a huge success so far...so much space without taking up too much space, if that makes sense!)
Raspberries have taken by the looks of things so that's an improvement on last year
Jostaberry is leafing up nicely
Timperley rhubarb is shooting, no sign of life from the other crown
Carrots sown and germinating already
Onions and garlic coming along nicely
4 rows of potatoes planted (80 tubers - 8 different varieties: Red Duke of York, Vales Emerald, Anya, Juliette, Druid, Sarpo Mira, Golden Wonder, Bonnie)
Getting ready to transplant the brassicas, just waiting for the netting to arrive)
And the newest additions are 8 tomato plants growing happily in 'my greenhouse' (kindly loaned to me by Keith who already has three greenhouses and thought I could use one!! Very kind!
Can't keep away now!